Romanian Prime Minister : Human trafficking, form of modern slavery for which Government has zero tolerance

Nicolae Ciuca

Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery for which the Romanian Government has zero tolerance, stated Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca in a message sent on the occasion of EU Anti-Trafficking Day, according to Agerpres.

„My message is clear: human trafficking is a form of modern slavery for which the Romanian Government has zero tolerance. This is the reason why the issue of human trafficking has become a priority at the highest level of the Romanian executive in the last two years,”, said Nicolae Ciuca.

Inter-institutional coordination to prevent and combat human trafficking, as well as assistance to rescued victims, „are under my direct attention, at the level of the Prime Minister’s Chancellery”, adds the Prime Minister.

„I encourage all the institutions involved to approach the activity in this field with seriousness and responsibility, both from the perspective of preventing and assisting victims, but also from the perspective of combating this phenomenon throughout the judicial process, because human traffickers have no place in a developed and democratic society. I have confidence that Romania will continue its upward path in the fight against human trafficking, together with all institutional partners, from civil society and international bodies, whom I want to thank for their effort and involvement!” Ciuca added.


Articolul Romanian Prime Minister : Human trafficking, form of modern slavery for which Government has zero tolerance apare prima dată în Ecopolitic News.

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